About Panther
About Panther
Panther is a pending registered trademark clothing brand name. It is a new brand for the fashion world and the online marketplace. Panther is a vision I had, turned into a reality. It is like a dream comes true for me.
I can clearly remember the dream in my head, there was time I try to forget the dream. But it will not go away that is the time I knew I had to act.
How I came Up with The Name Panther

It's was early one morning I just woke and ready to start my day. As I was meditating and wondering why I cannot get this dream out of my head.
Just to let you know this dream I had was about 4-6 months ago. Not a single day goes by where I do not reflect on my dream. Because of the constant reminder, I must do something about it.
While I was sitting on my bed thinking of what to make of the dream. Then Panther came into my mind. I say Panther out loud repeatedly Panther over and over until sticks
I say to myself I love the name Panther what can i do with this name. Finally, everything falling into place and the ideas start flowing in. I started to do my little sketch drawing on paper, of how I would like it to design. I decided to create a clothing brand that everyone would like. I always have a passion for fashion from went I was a teenager. This will be a perfect opportunity for me to launch my own brand name clothing line.
How I Came Up with The Slogan
After thinking about a panther and their lifestyle and where they live. I knew that they are a black animal from the cat family that lives out in the woods. I think very deeply how wild they are. I try a few slogans, but they were not standing out.

Then I say Panther Let's Go Wild that's the moment I knew this the slogan. It is the perfect three-word slogan that goes with the product and the animal as well. Because we are dealing with a wild animal the let's go wild just blend right in.
Now It is Start Coming Together
After coming up with the name and slogan for my brand. I decided that I wanted to protect my brand name and slogan before talking about it with friends. I rush to do a trademark ™️ search for the apparel industry. I filed my trademark ™️ application pay filing fee and decide to wait. I am on a waiting process now and as today my trademark ™️ application is accepted. And it is ready to go public on June 16, 2020, in the Gazette where will be public for 30 days. I am overly excited that I followed my dream.
Panther VS Puma
After waiting on the approval, it was 4 days left for the publication, then I received an email from Puma that the leaping Panther look like a leaping panther. They request for me to withdraw my application from the USPTO. I did say my rights that a Puma and a Panther are two different animals.
Here is a picture of the first logo of panther that Puma says look like a leaping Puma

I did withdraw and did a new logo of Panther and show it to Puma and advise me that they will not try to stop this one. After getting the go from Puma for my new logo I filed a new application with the USPTO for a new trademark. My application was accepted now waiting for an attorney to review it.
Here is my second logo of panther that Puma gave me the okay for
To be honest I think I like the second logo much better. So, when you go to my website you will see 2 different logos on my apparel this article will explain why.
While Waiting
While I am waiting on approval from the USPTO Trademark ™️. I am converting Marlene's Beauty to Panther.
This was Marlene's Beauty Logo

Our First Store Marlene's Beauty
We first started out as Marlene's Beauty selling just waist trainers and beauty supplies since year 2017. The store doing great with sales, but I wanted to have a clothing brand for men and women. With Panther, we have a better and wider variability to offer.
Panther let go wild will take off in no time. People are reaching out to me says they love panther.
hope you find this article interested and hope it helps to motivate you. Words of advice listen to your dream. Sometimes it is trying to tell you something.
Turn your dream into reality.
Feedback is welcome please comment. If you like what read share with others.
Check out our online store at https://pantherswag.com
I'm looking forward to building a very reputable and long-term relationship with everyone.
Thanks for reading the story.
No doubt that panther is the next big deal. With a great fashion sense and styles of the CEO; Marlene, I know it would offer nothing more than the best. We have seen the the likes of Nike, Gucci and the others, but the idea of panther takes an advance dimension. I really can’t wait to start getting all my clothing from panther